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Aesthetics & Edits

Unpacking and Editing After a Move

Transitions are tough, and moving is definitely an adjustment and life transition. But moving could be the catalyst for finally editing your things and simplifying your life. You really understand what you have once it's all packed in perfect little brown packing boxes. We always recommend editing before you pack for a move, but sometimes life gets in the way, and it can be daunting going through your things while in the process of all the other details that come with a move.

If you are not in a rush to get everything unpacked, start with one room (The kitchen or bedroom would be best) and just go box by box and ask yourself if you really need the item. Once it's laid out, you will notice things like having two can openers and just plan to donate one! It most likely won't take one day to unpack everything, but that's a good thing! You will really have time to analyze your items and notice you don't need most things on a daily basis or at all.

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